Dermarolling / Microneedling / Alternating dermarolling and stamping
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:51:36 PM »1. Would it be okay to dermaroll 1.5 mm every 4 weeks and dermastamp 1.5mm every 4 weeks 2 weeks apart from each other? Or is it more advisable to dermastamp immediately after dermarolling?
2. When dermarolling and dermastamping immediately afterwards, should one still dermastamp 6-8 times on a scar or should this amount be reduced? By doing this it seems that the density would grow to 200+250 cm^2 or 450 cm^2. Perhaps one should dermastamp less times when performed immediately after dermarolling?
Thank you so much for your help . I really appreciate it!!