How soon after you dermaroll can you use a face mask? Do you have to wait one day? Two days?
This is my current regimen:
Day 1: dermaroll (0,5mm)
Day 2: rest
Day 3: face mask
Day 4: rest
Day 5: face scrub
Day 6: rest
Day 7: face mask
Day 8: rest
Day 9: face scrub
Day 10: rest
Day 1: dermaroll
Day 2: rest
Is it too much? Would the skin become exhausted? Do you think it'd need more rest?
I only use edible products. Face scrub: salt + honey. Face mask: (organic) avocado; egg yolk; cucumber; pineapple; pomegranate; kiwi. Etc. (One ingredient/mask at a time. Rotating.)
After I dermaroll I put on organic and cold pressed shea butter; or rosehip seed oil. Daily moisturiser: jojoba oil or shea butter.
Although I've only used the dermaroller six time, I can still see improvement.
But how to know whether the skin needs more rest?
Thank you for any help and suggestions.