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Messages - shortyhair

Pages: 1
Dermarolling / Microneedling / Question about Dermarolling Video?
« on: February 08, 2013, 03:41:12 AM »
The video linked in the .pdf instructions seems to suggest rolling horizontally or vertically in the same direction over the same treatment area like you are following a railroad track between 6-8 times before moving the dermaroller to the right or to the left by approximately 3mm.

However, the written .pdf instructions to seem to indicate that you roll once horizontally or vertically over the same treatment area before moving the roller to the right or to the left by 3mm.

Which is correct?

Thanks. I guess I overlooked that.

How many days do you need to wait to use a 0.5 mm dermaroller after using a 1.0 dermastamp when treating the same skin area?

Put differently, can I still use the dermaroller 2-3 times a week in the same area being treated every 10-14 days with a 1.0 mm dermastamp?

Dermarolling / Microneedling / How often can I used the 1.0 mm dermastamp?
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:40:03 AM »
I have learned that the 1.5 mm and deeper dermastamps should be used no more often than every 10-14 days.

But, what is the appropriate frequency for the 1.0 mm dermastamp?

Pages: 1