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Messages - lymegirl

Pages: 1
I am sorry for getting slightly off topic at the end of my post! My main question is, do you think I should use your copper peptides (either the cream or mask) on my acne scar spot until it heals (about a month or so?) and then start dermarolling? Do you think it has the potential to heal completely on its own before the needling even though it is indented? And once I start dermarolling, do you recommend a stamp for that area, along with a dermaroll for the rest of my face?

Thank you so much! You are truly wonderful and I will continue to spread the word about you!! :)
All my very best wishes,

Dear Sarah,

I have a new scar on my face (picture included). It was from an acne lesion that had scabbed over. I picked it (I know, I shouldn't have!) then left it alone and the rest of the (now thin) scab fell off eventually, though I believe the damage had already been done. I am using bioCorneum (silicone gel) 2 times a day. I wash it only once in the morning, apply a thin cote, sunscrean, then a bit of makeup, and at night I apply another thin cote. It has been two weeks since my scab has been off. My scar is still a bit indented (the part that bothers me the most!) and it is pink/red. I was looking into maybe using your copper peptides, though I don't know if I should use your cream or mask.

[deleted by moderator - I am sorry but we don't comment on third-party products, neither do we allow mention of competing products on this forum - this forum is a database with Q&A on our products only]

Does it look like my scar has the potential to "fill in" over a couple of months? I still am interested in dermarolling the rest of my face as I would like to improve the overall texture of my skin!

My to-buy list from you:
My skin is somewhat sensitive than some others (because it is fair etc.), so when I needle I was going to get the vitamin C, infadolen (though I hope it doesn't clog my pores because I get that strange milia on my face?), .025% Retinol Cream, and a 1 mm dermaroller. I will come up with some regimen to use these using what you have recommended to others!

[deleted by moderator - Thank you for your kind words but Lyme is off topic for this forum, sorry]

I found your website and was extremely impressed with your depth of knowledge on many subjects. I am terribly sorry you had to deal with Lyme disease, I am currently struggling through that myself (the neurological is the worst part of it). It is something you must learn about in order to get better, so I commend you for putting some of this info on your site.

In addition to Lyme, I am dealing with a very noticeable recent scar on the cheek on my face. I no longer have a scab on my face (I half picked it off and then the rest kind of came off on it's own), so now I am left with a pink/almost red shiny indent that will not scab over again. However, the skin is still a bit raw and I am eager to help it heal as soon as possible. Is there something you would recommend for fresh scars like this? Could I start derma rolling and single needling or do I need to wait until the skin isn't as fresh? Could I also start using A-Retin and some of your other products as well? I am struggling to find a protocol.

(p.s. I have already taken a before picture to post on this forum so that I can put an after if your advice works!! Any advice appreciated! I am desperate! Thank you!!) I look forward to purchasing some of your impressive products! (I also have struggled with milia-tiny bumps, on my forehead for many years. I am hoping the derma roller would be able to help with that as well!!)

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