> I also have the 1.0mm roller and the 0.5 Narrow roller, but I'm still
> confused as to how to use the 3 different sizes. Can
> they ALL be incorporated in my routine, for example: Can I still use
> the 0.5 Narrow once a week, then the 1.0 every 3 weeks, and then the 1.5?
Yes you can, provided you are not using them on the same skin that you have rolled before, according to the minimum interval times (needle-length-dependent) described in our instructions.
The same skin should not be rolled more than once in three weeks with 1.5 mm and no roller except for product absorption should be used on that skin in the meantime. You can use a 0.25 mm for skin product absorption.
You can use all your roller sizes at the same time but they have to be used on different skin areas.
You can roll around your eyes with 0.5 narrow and at the same time roll the back of your hands with 1.0 mm and at the same time your thigh with 1.5 mm for example.
Nevertheless, if you roll an extensive area with 1.5 mm, I would recommend you to wait until it heals before you roll another extensive area so that you do not put too much strain on the body in one go. Skin regeneration requires a substantial supply of vitamins, an immune response etc.
Needling with long needles causes micro-injuries and there is a risk of infection.
That's why it is better to do one part at a time, wait until it heals and then do another part.
>P.S. Can the 1.5 mm for my thighs be used more often than every 5 weeks?
If you roll densely and vigorously I would not roll more often than once in 3-4 weeks with the 1.5 mm. Collagen production is a very slow process. You should wait until the first stages of collagen production are completed and then roll again. Otherwise you risk making matters worse instead of better.