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Author Topic: new to dermarolling  (Read 9076 times)


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new to dermarolling
« on: May 04, 2012, 09:29:48 PM »
Hi sarah, I want to start dermarolling the old+white stretch on my thighs. I will use a 1.5 mm dermaroller and single needles. On one of the forums, you said to dermaroll the whole stretch mark area first then single needle a new stretch markl each day and this should take about a month. Then, a week later, repeat this process. And then rest for 2 months and start this process again.

Aren't we supposed to needlle once every month?


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new to dermarolling
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 11:24:46 AM »
You needle each stretch mark only once during that month.

   You have for example 200 stretch marks.

   It is much better to needle about 10 stretch marks a day (or whenever you have time) but needle them densely and thoroughly.

   Thus it would take you 10 needling session to needle all your stretch marks.

  You can do the sessions any time you want during that month.


If you have just a few stretch marks, you can do them all in one session but most of our customers have lots of stretch marks.

   Pre-treat your stretch marks like this:

