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Author Topic: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars  (Read 131014 times)


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2013, 02:11:25 PM »
I ordered the single needles and since there may be some longer needles I was researching about the single needle lengths on the forum.  There was mention of adjusting the length using toothpicks... but I can no longer get to the article that was referenced. 


Can you explain how to adjust the length?  Thank you so much!


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2013, 02:30:17 PM »
Hi Mae,

We used to sell a totally different type of single needles, they were a kind of tattoo needles and their length was often too long so they caused bruising. Then we designed a much better single needle, more ergonomic and with an exact length that does not need adjusting. Those needles we sell now (sold out at the moment but we get new stock in a week or so).


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2013, 11:52:04 PM »
This is very motivating.  I've been hesitant to really give suctioning a good chance.  I've also had improvement with my scars but worry that I've hit a brick wall.  I dont know if this question is allowed, but do you think, because I'll start suctioning every day and causing bruising, that putting foundation over the bruising will be okay?  I apolgize in advance if this kind of question is not allowed.  I just relly wanna give suctioning a real shot and I dont want to unsightly features stopping me.


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2013, 01:20:42 PM »
We are called "owndoc" for a reason - I have always supported people taking initiative and improvise a little :-)

Trying various approaches is a good idea, especially in difficult skin conditions such as scars.

In principle, foundation should not be applied on freshly rolled skin but a day after is already OK. Applying it over bruises is also OK. Make sure that the foundation is unlikely to be contaminated – it should be rather new and preferably in a tube because tubes do not get contaminated.

I have answered almost 2000 questions on this forum so we are not so strict with what is and what is not allowed, however it requires constant vigilance to prevent this forum from descending into "empty rattling" if you know what I mean. Also, I have Asperger's syndrome and this is characterized by being honest, focused and rational but sometimes, aspies are perceived as rude because we lack "social skills".

BTW thank you very much for your email - I will have a look at it as soon as I have time.


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2013, 01:27:49 PM »
Hi, Mila,

I'm new to this forum, but am not new to derma stamping, single-needling, and application of strong acids, copper peptides, infadolan, skin oils, etc. However, my results have not nearly yielded such wonderful results as yours in two years time. Your progress is truly amazing and inspirational!

In 2010, I suffered 2nd degree burns that were scattered on several parts of my face. I took it upon myself to apply a Jessner's peel at home, and I had never applied a peel myself before. I thought that after all the internet research I did, that I was informed enough and had the tools necessary to do it myself and save some money. Well, needless to say I failed miserably, and have probably spent more money correcting my scars than I would have just to pay and have the peels done professionally.

I've also suffered from some cystic acne scarring, from the lovely acne that I began breaking out with after I turned 30 and I've never had acne before that in my life, so I was seriously confused. Still working on those scars as well, and new acne that I get almost every day, so that I don't scar from those.

Two years later... I've single-needled several times with diabetic lancets and the needles that Sarah sold on her website, as well as her derma-stamp and derma-roller. I'm still trying to figure out which is the best method for me overall when it comes to needling. I've also used Copper Peptides from another site, 20% Salicylic Acid peel after single-needling. I've also recently incorporated the use of a suction cup like the one you use. I just began one month ago, after my monthly single-needle session. I'm too afraid to begin using even the mildest of retinol creams, so I stick with infalodan ointment or biafine.

Have you ever used a strong acid after needling, or only the retinol cream? Do you use anything mild to soothe the swelling or prevent additional scarring?

It would be great to hear how much more your skin has improved and maybe see some updated photos!

Take care :)


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2013, 06:50:22 PM »
Hello everyone! I've just returned from a 6 month stay in Mexico! No access to the forum down there, hence the late response (sorry!)

To answer your question cg, I have never used anything stronger than Retin A. I am currently using the 0.05 % dosage every night which has helped in improving my overall complexion.

In regards to the swelling, I don't take or do anything for it. I feel (in my own opinion) the more swelling the better! I just cover it over with makeup the next couple of days until it goes down

Out of precaution, and because I was in the sun soo much the past 6 months, I put a hold on needling. Unfortunately, due to the change in climate and environment my acne has flared up again. (Noooooo!) I'm not too worried, though- I visited my derm today and was prescribed some medication to bring it back under control. As soon as it's safe I will return to needling and post updates!

But continue to hang in there! It may take some time. I know cesamaddictaol is having great results due to his patience and hard work!!

Take care everyone! And don't lose hope..


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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2013, 06:26:12 PM »
Hi Sarah

I would like to ask, how often can I use the sinle needle between two treatment with 2.0 mm dermastamp (every 4 weeks).
If I can use single needle more frequently than 1 time per 4 weeks ( for example every two weeks or similar)
Now I follow the Mila`treatment routine, which is really great.

To Mila:
Hi Mila,
thank you very much for your report about your dermaneedling routine. It is really great and effective not only for me. You helped a lot of people to improve their acne scars. I wish you all the best in your life.



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Re: 6 month update, great improvement with suctioning method for acne scars
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2013, 02:47:54 PM »
The single needle should not be used more frequently than at most once every three weeks (preferably four weeks) on the same skin area. You can use it however in the same session as the dermastamp. First needle the scars and then stamp them. If the session is really aggressive, repeat it after five weeks.