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Author Topic: Internal lid scar/05 dermaroller  (Read 9490 times)


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Internal lid scar/05 dermaroller
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:48:28 PM »
Hello, I have a question.

My problem is an internal scar, under the skin of my eyelid (after two surgeries to get rid of chalazion). I did buy a 0,5mm dermaroller and I have no idea if I did the right thing. I want to reduce it as much as possible, break up this scar, but I'm afraid that using dermaroller can make it look more visible.. Now It looks like a little hard spot under the skin, round and quite irritating.

What should I do?

Please, answer,



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Internal lid scar/05 dermaroller
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 12:14:35 PM »
Unfortunately I have to disappoint you. Dermarolling or needling cannot be performed on the eyelids due to the risk of eyeball injury.

   My reply is number 3:




  Skin thickness varies. The thinnest skin is on the eyelids, the thickest on the footsoles. Skin thickness also varies individually.  It is possible to use needles on the eyelids, for example in permanent make up procedures but I really cannot recommend "homerolling" the eyelids and taking the risk of

  pricking the eyeball.


  I advise consulting a dermatologist or perhaps a plastic surgeon.