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Author Topic: Tretinoin cream or gel for deep stretchmarks loose skin on stomach? 0.05? or 0.1%?  (Read 28951 times)


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Hi there

Im placing an order with you to try to help improve the skin on my stomach after 2 pregnancies.Please may i have some advice?:

 I have lots of very deep & wide stretchmarks (from my 1st pregnancy 10 yrs ago - they are now see through, not red). My stomach below the belly button is completely covered with stretchmark scars, many of which are literally 1cm wide and up to 20cm long, with very little gap between each scar.

I have also just given birth to my 2nd baby, 9 weeks ago, and since my stomach has now shrunk back to almost flat i now have loose, wrinkled looking skin all over my stomach. The old stretchmark scars are puckered, appearing like deep wrinkles, and the skin is just very flacid and like an overstretched deflated balloon. The skin doesnt hang in a flap at all, its almost flat to my stomach,  just very loose, thin and wrinkled (like a very old person's skin) where its been over-stretched, and seems to have lost most of its elasticity. Crepey would probably be the best description of the skin condition in this area.

Can i expect any improvement in this if i use your Derma Roller and Tretinoin & Vit C Serum?  

Obviously i dont expect miracles - just a noticeable improvement!

If so, should i be using the 1.5mm roller or 2mm, please?

And should i be using Tretinoin Gel or Tretinoin Cream? Does it matter if its a gel or cream base?

And 0.05% Tretinoin or 0.1% tretinoin, please?

I dont mind some discomfort or stinging if the stronger tretinoin would help the loose skin and stretchmark scars/wrinkles more. No pain no gain!

Thanks so much for your help.  I'll await your response before completing my order.

Edited to add: Also, how often should i apply the Tretinoin? Is it just after each dermarolling session, or 1x or 2x per day?


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>The old stretchmark scars are puckered, appearing like deep wrinkles

  My advice concerning your stretch marks is here:


  (you can shorten the five-week interval to A four-week interval).


Please read what kind of results to expect:




>and the skin is just very flacid and like an overstretched deflated balloon. The skin

>doesnt hang in a flap at all, its almost flat to my stomach, just very loose, thin and

>wrinkled (like a very old person's skin) Can i expect any improvement in this if i

>use your Derma Roller and Tretinoin & Vit C  Serum?


  If you have the patience, you can realisticly improve skin laxity on the post-pregnancy abdomen. A 1.5 mm regular roller is the best for this.



>If so, should i be using the 1.5mm roller or 2mm, please?


The fewer needles a dermaroller has, the deeper they penetrate. A 1.5 mm one liner penetrates as deep as a regular 2 mm roller. Thus your stretch marks will be intensively and deeply treated.

  Regarding the crepey skin of your abdomen, start with a 1.5 mm regular roller. If you get no results after one year, try a 2 mm regular dermaroller.


>And should i be using Tretinoin Gel or Tretinoin Cream? Does it matter if its a gel

>or cream base?


It makes no difference.



  >And 0.05% Tretinoin or 0.1% tretinoin, please?


   There is no need for really high percentages. 0.05% is already high.


Do not apply Tretinoin if you are pregnant, lactating or planning a pregnancy.


> Also, how often should i apply the Tretinoin? Is it just after each dermarolling

>session, or 1x or 2x per day?

  You should massage Tretinoin cream or gel into each stretch mark after dermarolling them individually and intensively with the 1.5 mm one liner.


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Thanks so much for your help, Sarah. Im excited to get started. I shall let you know how i get on.

Great resource by the way! I love your website. Its extremely helpful, and great to know theres knowledgeable support available to use along with your products.


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I have the same problem as you, strechmaarks as you decribed it. I also will try the same and hope to get results:-)

god luck!:)

And once again ... thanks Sarah :) By the way, should I bye a new dermaroller 1,5 for the stomack? I have one 1,5ml  for the face to, as you know:-)


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Good luck Missy. Hopefully we can compare some positive results! x


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do you dermaroll with a 1.5mm then right after a 1.5 one line dermaroller? didnt quite understand instuctions

i also recently put a hole somehow in my infadolan happened twice now..

i need to be more carful with it i guess but should i replace it now ?


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No, you do not have to replace the Infadolan tube if it has small cracks.

   You can roll with the one liner dermaroller right afterwards or later. If you have lots of stretch marks, do not roll all your stretch marks in one go with the one liner dermaroller. Spread it out and roll thoroughly just a few each time.


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ok great :)

so it wont be tooo much rolling if i do it right after? do i just roll back and forth on then


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I'm not sure I understand your question. Whether you roll them right afterwards or later, you have to roll each individual stretch mark very thoroughly and densely with the one liner dermaroller. Yes, you roll back and forth.


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ok thanks! andd i mant would doing the 1.5 and right after the one liner be too much for the skin to handle?


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OK I understand what you mean. It depends how many stretch marks you have.


  If you have lots of stretch marks, do not roll all your stretch marks in one go with the one liner dermaroller. Spread it out and roll thoroughly just a few each time.


To Missy:  

missy;2762 wrote: I By the way, should I bye a new dermaroller 1,5 for the stomack? I have one 1,5ml for the face to, as you know:-)


   You can use the same dermaroller anywhere you like. The only problem is that if you roll large areas, respectively the more areas you roll with the same dermaroller, the sooner it will get blunt.


If you roll a large area on your abdomen, it would be wise having another roller for your face. If you decide using the same roller both on your face and your abdomen, you will have to replace the roller sooner.