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Author Topic: no painkiller?  (Read 10428 times)


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no painkiller?
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:54:50 AM »
I just read somewhere on the net of a woman who claims to use a roller on her face with out numbing and says it's fine. Could that be true? I use a 1mm on my face and would love try it without numbing but I'm hesitant.


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no painkiller?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 08:34:50 AM »
I can also roll my face with a 2 mm roller without a numbing cream, with the exception of the skin above the lips. There I have to use a numbing cream.

  In the beginning it was difficult but I somehow got used to dermarolling pain.

   Just roll a small part of your face with the 1 mm roller to try it. A part of the cheek or so.

   I hope other forum members will share here whether they manage rolling without a numbing cream.


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no painkiller?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 09:29:09 PM »
I used a 0.8 dermastamp and the 1mm dermastamp without any numbing whatsoever. It hurt, a bit like a burning sensation, but its over pretty quick, so can't be fussed

I prefer not using any of those numbing creams, as I do believe that its better for healing without.

Maybe icing would be good, if you can't tolerate.


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no painkiller?
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 08:07:43 PM »
Hi Colleen,

I've been rolling for about 2 years and have never used a numbing agent before. I guess I've always had it in my head that things like that might actually impair the process (not based on any research, mind you- just personal feelings).  I don't think using a numbing cream is a bad idea if you have sensitive skin, though. I currently use a 1.5mm stamp- which I'm pretty aggresive with- and just grit my teeth through it. It's certainly uncomfortable, but bearable since my scars are pretty isolated to my right cheek and it's not the most delicate part of my face. Maybe give it a whirl with a gentle roll and see how you feel. Good luck!! :)