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Author Topic: Needle length for groin area,  (Read 10787 times)


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Needle length for groin area,
« on: January 11, 2013, 05:46:50 AM »
I noticed the skin on the inner thigh crease is getting thinner and crepey. I am age 45. It also has a lot of hyperpigmentation (I'm fairly sure it isn't Acanthosis nigricans). What is an appropriate needle length for this area? Thanks.


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Re: Needle length for groin area,
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 03:23:46 PM »
The skin on the groin itself is thin. I am not sure a dermaroller is even maneuverable in that area but you can try a narrow version.

For hyperpigmentation, frequent rolls with a 0.5 mm roller are often successful.

You can also try our Tretinoin cream (it helps with hyperpigmentation) but initially it dries the skin and dry skin appears crepey. You can however mix Tretinoin with oil or apply oil on top of Tretinoin to offset dryness.