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Author Topic: What to order?  (Read 26073 times)


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What to order?
« on: March 15, 2010, 08:16:28 PM »
Hi! I discovered dermarolling on EDS. I just wanted to thank you for providing your extensive information on the subject. I would like to order a dermaroller but I'm unsure what to order!

I have a chicken pox scar (which I've had since 5) a couple of acne scars and some pinkish spots left over from acne I would like to get rid of. I would also like to tackle some stretch marks I have as well!

I like the idea of using the single needle. Could I use the single needle on the scars as well as the pinkish spots? From what I read you still want to use the dermaroller prior to using the single needle. Where do I purchase a dry brush from?

Thanks so much for reading this!


Apples :)


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« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 08:18:40 PM »
Oh yeah I forgot to ask one more thing, can you use mederma while dermarolling?


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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2010, 07:13:09 PM »
Acne scars and stretch marks need long needles because they are usually deep in the dermis so you should opt for 1.5 mm.


  You can certainly use the single needle on your scars and stretch marks. Concerning the pinkish spots (those are likely not deep) you should first use a dermaroller on them. If a dermaroller doesn't improve them, do a test patch with a single needle - make several pricks into one of your spots and you'll see what happens. It will get red and it will likely look worse for some time (more visible) before it fully heals.


We advise to use a dermaroller first to stimulate the whole area and then target only the scars, stretch marks or other specific skin problems with the single needle.


  You can buy a dry brush that looks similar to this:



  It is for sale in drug stores or beauty shops etc. But any brush will do as long as it is not too rough and harsh.


  You have to keep the brush clean. Wash it in very hot water with shampoo or dishwashing liquid and keep it in a place where it dries very quickly. Originally we put in our instructions to buy a brush with a plastic handle because we thought it would be preferable, since wood stays wet for a long time but we

  removed that advice because the most suitable best skin brushes have a wooden handle and they can be used as long as you clean them after use and keep them dry.


  You mean Mederma in general or directly after dermarolling?

   You can use any skin care product of your choice.


  If you apply it directly after dermarolling with long (1.0, 1.5 or 2.0) needles (the immune system will respond with mild inflammation and that will lead to collagen production), you should not use any strong

  anti-inflammatory substances.


  The best would be to buy two dermarollers. One with short needles (0.20 or 0.25) for skin care product penetration enhancement that can be used up to 3 times a week. You apply Mederma for example and roll it in.


  For skin product penetration, some people prefer to use 0.20 or 0.25 for their face and chest and 0.5 mm for areas like buttocks, hips, thighs or the back because the skin is thicker there. It is not necessary to use a 0.5 because even shorter needles will fully penetrate the stratum corneum and enable the product go deep into the skin.


Also, buy a roller with long needles that reach the dermis for collagen production and that can be used once a month on the same area.

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What to order?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2010, 10:32:07 PM »
Dear Sarah,

Thank you very much for your reply! So your recommendation would be purchasing 0.20 or .025 and a 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 correct?  I would use the 1.5 every 5 weeks for collagen and the 0.25 every three weeks for product penetration?  If I wanted to use the single needles I would first roll with the correct roller then use them correct? If I were to use the single needles how long do you wait in between needling sessions? When your purchase a kit are all the single needles the same size?   Thank you for showing me a picture of a dry brush! Now I will know what to look for!  I’m sorry for all the questions, I probably sound like a broken record!

Thanks so much!

Apples :)


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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 10:02:30 AM »
Whatever the skin problem is, the best option is to have one roller with short needles for skin care product penetration enhancement and one roller with long needles (reaching the dermis) to trigger collagen production.


  If you are a dermarolling beginner, do not buy a 2 mm roller because it is suited for people who already know how thick their skin is and who are familiar with rolling.


  You misunderstood me about the rolling frequency of a 0.25 roller. It is not once every three weeks but it is 3 times a week. It depends on you how frequently you want to roll for product penetration but a 0.25 mm roller can be used three or four times a week anywhere on your body except the upper eyelids.


  The single needles in the kit are all the same size.


  Needling the same spot of skin with a single needle is done once a month.

  Please read our dermarolling instructions


  You can use a single needle every day but the same scar or stretch mark or spot etc should not be needled more than once a month.

    The same with a long-needled dermaroller (1 mm and above). You can use it every day but not on the same part of the skin. You can for example single-needle every day several of your stretch marks or acne scars (every day different ones) if you find time for it.


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What to order?
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 01:15:17 PM »

I want to preface this by saying I apologize if I am not doing my due diligence in finding my answers on all the great info you have on this board, but I want to make sure I get it right and tailor the DR to my needs.  I also want to say I WISH I found your site last week when I stumbled upon the whole derma-rolling concept! As it stands, I ordered another vendor's product last week (but still, I am wanting recommendations for your products now, too!)   Yesterday, my Scientia DR arrived.  Next time I order these particular sizes, I will be using your products, I assure you. You provide such a wealth of info!  Thank you! I am glad that I now know to space out my rolling, as Scientia recommends rolling with all their needles up to 5 times per WEEK!  wow. What a difference in the advice. I do understand "why" this is, thanks to you!

Ok, here is what I currently have in my possession:    the Scientia  .5 and 1.0 Scientia Derma Rollers with some type of cream they were selling.  

Considerations:  I had Botox about 1 month ago.   As for skin thickness, I would say I have skin that's on the thinner side, if I were to guess. My veins show / pop through on many parts of my body (if that means anything!) and I am always I've always SAID I am "thin-skinned" :)

Derma-Rolling I just did last night for the 1st time:  used .5 all over my face and 1.0 on some light stretch marks and developing areas of cellulite on the back of my thighs underneath my butt.  

Here are my goals:

   1.  Lines around my eyes

   2.  Get rid of age/brown/sun spots on my face (my face is smooth without scars, but there's just some issues I'd like to get rid of)

   3.  Decrease cellulite areas underneath my butt on my upper thigh area

   4.  At end of May, I will be having a tummy tuck and breast augmentation w/ lift (and possibly a medium chemical peel).   Once these wounds heal, I want to concentrate on scar management.  When may I start doing this and what should I do specifically?  Also, should I avoid Derma Rolling til months after the surgery? Or ok to go ahead and begin?  

Which products of YOURS am I missing?  and is there any particular regimen I should follow?      I will, of course, be using the Scientia rollers til they are not useable.  However, I know I probably should get the skin penetration needle for face products (.2 or so).   Should I get a 1.5?  Once I know the lengths you recommend, I'll try to go back and research how often to use them all.  I don't want you to waste time writing out stuff that is already here. I just want to know which needle you recommend for which area, knowing the specifics of what I am after now.  

Thank you so much!


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« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2010, 08:38:28 PM »
Concerning the lines around your eyes, please read: Dermarolling around the eyes


Skin spots are not deep in the skin, so a 1 mm roller is very good. Make a homemade vit. C serum according our instructions and use it several times a week.

Cellulite is unfortunately a natural pattern of fat storage underneath the female skin in certain parts of the anatomy - it's not unhealthy but merely unsightly.

Cellulite occurs  in the subcutaneous layer of the skin, which mainly consists of fat. A dermaroller cannot affect that fat layer. It can only affect the epidermis and dermis above it. The cellulite might look slightly better after thickening the skin with a dermaroller and thus making the dimples less visible. But do not expect any dramatic results. Long needles (at the very least 1 mm) are required.

Some advice for self treatment (without guarantee):

  • Apply cellulite cream regularly, preferably one containing caffeine and roll it in with a 0.5 mm roller (the skin where cellulite usually appears is thick so 0.5 mm for product penetration is appropriate there even though 0.2 mm will do as well.

  • Massage the cellulite skin with this kind of (hair) brush:


  • Massage the cellulite skin with a mixture of salt and oil to increase  circulation.

  • Massage the area with a plunger to cause a suction effect. Not vigorously, just mild suction will do. I can explain later why a plunger may help with cellulite. This suction method should not be used when you are prone to broken capillaries.

  • Exercise to keep the muscles toned.

Regarding your tummy tuck scar: You should wait until the scar is healed/remodeled. The scar  remodeling takes a long time (it can take one year). I am sure your surgeon will advice the best scar healing management. Remodeling means that the appearance of the scar is still changing and improving.

If your scar is raised, your doctor will likely recommend you a pressure massage done with the fingers. When your scar is fully healed and remodeled and you are not happy with the way it looks, use the single needle method explained in our dermarolling instructions. That scar will never disappear - you can only improve its appearance.

Also read my article on treating cellulite.

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« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2010, 01:25:09 PM »
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me, Sarah!  For the cellulite, I actually bought this machine called the Cellutec G5 -- about 2 yrs ago. I totally believe in the science behind it (lymphatic drainage increased).  However, I got scared of doing it, b/c I feel like as I age (I'm now 35), that I am starting to have skin elasticity problems.  Because of the high back and forth, up and down force of the machine, I got scared it might be stretching my skin somehow.  I paid a lot of $$ for it, so I hate to waste it -- but just scared to use it now. :( Oh well. I will try all the things you mentioned.  And again, I really appreciate it!  You're awesome!


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« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 08:46:03 AM »

"Skin spots are not deep in the skin, so a 1 mm roller is very good. Make a homemade vit. C serum according our instructions and use it several times a week."

Just wanted to make sure I got this you are saying that 1.0 mm needle is ok for the age spots on my face?  And I use this once per month over my whole face?  Thanks!!


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« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 01:52:36 PM »
According to our recommendations (in our instructions for dermarolling), it's once every 2- 3 weeks for a 1 mm dermaroller. Once a month is also OK.

You can roll your entire face (if there are spots all over) - except your eyelids.


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« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 11:55:07 PM »
Hi! I ordered your needle set. I have been dry brushing the parts of my face I want to needle. I was wondering how should I clean my brush? It's made of natural hair. Thank you! :)


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« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2010, 12:15:03 PM »
Wash it in very hot water with dishwashing liquid and keep it in a place where it dries very quickly.


  This is a relevant paragraph from our dermarolling instructions:


  “After brushing, wash the brush with dishwashing liquid in near-boiling water or put it in the dishwasher. Store the brush in a place where it can dry quickly.


  If your facial skin is sensitive, do not dry brush. Instead, exfoliate your face or body in the shower with a fine salt (mixed with soap or almond oil if you wish). If the salt is irritating or rough on your skin, use baking soda or ground coffee.”


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« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2010, 02:37:46 AM »
Thank you! I misplaced my dermarolling intructions. I'll have to print off another set. :)