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Author Topic: Great overall improvement/ need help with resistant wrinkle and scars  (Read 17894 times)


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Hi Sarah, I have been stamping with the 1.5mm stamp every 4-5 weeks for about 6 months and also using your single needles on some wrinkles and scarring at the same time. A few of my wrinkles have responded very well but I have one dreaded wrinkle that I hate that has formed across the bridge of my nose about where glasses would sit that has been pretty resistant. It seems no matter what I do it just keeps getting deeper and longer as time goes on.

I also have atrophic scarring that I am having to be patient with, because while they are getting shallower, like you said can sometimes happen they are also getting wider. I also  have a linear or line like scar (I guess you would call it) that is shallower after stamping but the line itself is getting  longer and longer.When I think about it this makes sense, but when I look at other before and after pictures it looks like most seem to just level out while my scars always seem to expand quit a bit first.

My questions are, what is the best treatment for a wrinkle on the bridge of the nose that you would suggest? I have also been using Ifadalon,vitamin C and just a generic form of retinol.I was wondering if the single liner might work better?I also havnt really been doing a 0.5 or 1mm in between the 1.5mm. Do you think adding that to my protocol would make a difference?

Also, is it normal for even the line like scars to appear longer while they are lifting and can even wrinkles do this to a certain extent or just scars?As for atrophic scarring can  they ever be fully leveled to the surface?Thanks for the help and sorry so many questions, again great improvement on the overall look of my face, I just need to make sure Im doing the best thing for my resistant parts.(:


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Re: Great overall improvement/ need help with resistant wrinkle and scars
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 10:14:59 AM »
I am sorry I have not replied yet but I am really busy. I will reply as soon as I can.


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Re: Great overall improvement/ need help with resistant wrinkle and scars
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2013, 10:54:18 AM »
No problem, I couldnt imagine answering all these on this forum myself so take your time Im in no hurry.


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Re: Great overall improvement/ need help with resistant wrinkle and scars
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2013, 05:51:15 PM »
(As I have mentioned many times before) some of my winkles responded almost miraculously to dermaneedling (the lines in between the eyebrows -the so called 11 'and the lines above the lips) and some almost not at all (crow's feet). Which wrinkles and lines do respond and which do not is individual.
The one-liner roller is not suitable for the nose crease. Keep on using the dermastamp and you could try the suction pump that we sell because the crease may be tethered to the underlying structures.
No, I do not think adding short needled dermaneedling in between your 1.5 mm sessions will help the crease.
In some cases, the scar or the line becomes shallower after needling but also wider because the wall collapses. Most commonly this happens with ice pick acne scars. If you continue needling, it will fill in.