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Author Topic: Max number of pricks per square cm?  (Read 11220 times)


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Max number of pricks per square cm?
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:40:53 PM »
I am doing 10 stamps in the same spot, which is probably an upper bound per the documentation. However, I still have not seen any noticeable results after 9 months. I seem to tolerate this level well, so I was wondering if I could go to 12 or more stamps in the same spot?


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Re: Max number of pricks per square cm?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 03:34:52 PM »
Sorry to hear you got no results. What type of scars do you have?
Yes, if your skin heals well after your sessions, you can certainly increase the number of stamps, even 20 in the same spot.
Scars are a difficult problem and various approaches and a little improvisation is often needed to achieve results.
If you also have the boxcar type of acne scars, you can for example try inducing intensive peeling by applying the A-Ret cream (we sell it) right after microneedling (it stings and it irritates the skin). Do a test patch first to see how your skin reacts.
You can read about it in this forum thread (reply 25 from Cesamaddictaol and my reply #26):
In reply # 13 of this forum thread, you can read about someone who had no results but achieved an improvement with very aggressive dermaneedling:


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Re: Max number of pricks per square cm?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 10:39:22 PM »

Thanks. I have mostly rolling acne scars, but one or two boxcar. I will look into the Retin-A cream, but have to be careful since I have sensitive skin and mild rosacea (mostly due to harsh products and procedures used to treat scars).

I will try 20 stamps and single needling some of the scars at various angles. I will increase from 10 to 13 to 16 to 20 over the next few sessions. I do it every 6 weeks with 2.0mm needles.


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Re: Max number of pricks per square cm?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 07:49:24 AM »
If you have Rosacea, Tretinoin is not suitable for you. Are you using the suction pump on your rolling scars?


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Re: Max number of pricks per square cm?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2013, 10:42:58 PM »
Yeah, I will pass on the Retin-A. I used the suction 3 or 4 times so far, but it did not seem to do anything. Since it doubled the downtime (due to bruising), I skipped it the last few sessions. I will probably alternate and every so often if I have some extra free time.