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Author Topic: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots  (Read 19041 times)


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Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:02:27 PM »

Hello, Sarah. I'm a 21-year-old college girl living in the States.
I have a lot of red marks from previous pimples (I still get them even if I don't pick them, and I don't know why!), and some are a bit dark from sun exposure.

I've recently found out that dermarolling can help with these acne marks, and I'm planning to buy dermarollers from your website as they seem to be high-quality and relatively inexpensive.
However, I'm a little confused as to which length to use and how often.

In Korea, a lot of people use 0.25mm ones as a home treatment and almost 3 times a week, but I read from your post that 0.25mm isn't much effective.
Should I use 0.5mm one? I don't want to be too harsh to my sensitive skin (which 1.00mm one might be) but hope it won't take forever to see some effect.

Also, if I use 0.5mm one, how often should I use?
And how often should I replace the roller (the owndoc one)?
I read in others' posts that you recommended some creams like tretinoin and hydroquinone. I'm trying to keep my skin regimen as natural as possible, so I'm a bit afraid to use chemical products. I'm planning to use vitamin C serum and aloe vera gel with argan oil after the rolling. Will this be O.K.? (I hope asking this isn't against the forum rule.)

I really want to get rid of these red marks and have a clear skin that I once had.

Thank you for helping us all by making wonderful products and dedicating your time to answer the questions. :)

Have a great day!


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Re: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 03:59:48 PM »
Start with a 0.5 mm regular dermaroller and roll once or twice a week. Dermaneedling tools will eventually get blunt so you can always go for a longer size next time when you are already experienced. The spots may improve a lot relatively soon and you may not need any further/longer dermaroller.

I really think you should try our lowest percentage Tretinoin cream (0.025%) and apply it about three times a week (not after dermarolling). If the skin gets too irritated, apply it only twice or even once a week. Some mild redness and irritation is normal, especially initially.

In your case, do not apply vit. C serum right after dermarolling because your skin is too sensitive. Please read:


Actually, to improve your post acne spots, you do not need vit. C serum.


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Re: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 07:11:39 PM »

Hello, Sarah.
Thank you so much for your prompt and honest reply.
I read the post you linked in your reply, and I was wondering if I can follow that regimen as well with a slight variation. (And I just left vit. C because I'm currently fighting with mild acne as well and vit. C has brightening and antibacterial properties.)

Just for the night,

Monday: Vit. C in the evening.

Tuesday: dermarolling with a 0.5 mm, aloe vera + argan oil after dermarolling.

Wednesday: Tretinoin 0.025% (I guess it's the same as Retin-A?) in the evening.

Thursday: Vit.C in the evening.

Friday: dermarolling with a 0.5 mm, aloe vera + argan oil after dermarolling.

Saturday: Tretinoin 0.025% in the evening.

Sunday: Vit.C in the evening.

How does this sound?
I also have a sulfur cream, and I wonder if I can use that instead of Tretinoin because I think that both speed up cell regeneration process. I'm not sure if I'll have to continue using Tretinoin too and worried that there will be side effects once I stop it.

Also, if I use dermaroller 0.5mm twice a week, how often should I change to a new one?
If there are any corrections or other suggestions, please feel free to add.

Thank you, and I can't wait to begin this journey.


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Re: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 02:37:13 PM »
It sounds very good.

No, sulfur cream cannot replace Tretinoin (A-Ret).  You can use the sulfur cream but not in the place of Tretinoin. Tretinoin helps keeping acne under control and it also helps a lot to diminish post-acne spots. As soon as the spots are gone, you can stop applying Tretinoin, provided you manage to control your acne in a different way to prevent new spots.


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Re: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2013, 02:47:39 PM »

Okay, thank you so much.
I'm going to order the dermaroller, and I'm wondering how long I can use one dermaroller if I use twice a week because it will help me decide how many to purchase at once.
Also, when I apply tretinoin, do I apply it by itself? Or do I have to apply toner and moisturizer beforehand?


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Re: Which dermaroller to use for post-acne red spots
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2013, 04:01:23 PM »
It will last roughly six months. It also depends how large the area is that you are going to roll.

Tretinoin dries out the skin, so apply a moisturizer prior to Tretinoin and also in between.