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Author Topic: great customer service (update: foto of improved skin of 55 y.o. man)  (Read 16924 times)


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hi out there everyone, I am new to this site but I just want to say I have tried many things on my face and these products on this site are amazing and the customer service is the best!!!!!!! I have to run but I will be back to say how I feel about the products I have used  :)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 04:32:53 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: great customer service
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 04:03:01 AM »
Forum member "richierich" who started this thread allowed us to post his emails to us and his photo. I almost fell off my chair when I read he wil soon be 55 because he looks much younger!

We decided not to post his photo in Disneyland because it included his three beautiful daughters and they may not like to be on our forum so we asked "richierich" for a photo of just himself. He looks amazing! We hope he will tell us what exactly improved and what he uses.


"Thank you I really you love all your products. And I am so happy with the results. Of all your products. And believe me I've tried them all. I've loved everything I purchased from you guys. And I also recommend you to people. Because they noticed the change also. And your customer service is amazing. Thank you very much. And I'm looking for any new products you have. Once again thank you so much". (name deleted)

"Here is a picture of me and my kids last week at Disneyland I get so many people asking me my age now I'm tired of hearing about :) I'm not tired of it. You may post this and what I have wrote I will be 55 on 28 October. You may post anything I write. Excuse my spelling. And like I said I've tried 1 million products out there and yours are the best  and I have really never done business with anybody like you thank you". (name deleted)

« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 04:32:08 PM by SarahVaughter »

Perma-Youth Retinoid

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Re: great customer service
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2013, 11:03:07 AM »
I totally agree. The customer service and the information given about the products and how to use them is by far the best I have ever seen. It truly gives a honest impression. The price on your products are also low considering this type of products are hard to find elsewhere. I made an order this Monday and I saw that the price of the copper peptide serum bottle has dropped a bit.

From what I have read, that you have spare parts for the DermaJet and it makes me calm since it's no longer for sale. I hope my DermaJet will last long. I absolutely LOVE it. The one thing I still missed during the needling procedure was the individual needles so I ordered them also.

I have two scars on both sides of the upper part of my nose close to my eyes. It looks like marks after glasses but they are actually acne scars. The skin is thin and the area previously filled with Restylane  I recently used the DermaJet 0.2 mm (12 needle cartridge) (a little bleeding occured as normal) on these scars but what about using the single needle? You don't have to answer this if it doesn't belong here, just tell me to start a new thread or e-mail.

I hope you have recovered from the flu  :)


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Re: great customer service
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 06:05:17 PM »
Thank you - we do our best to charge fair prices. We're soon selling smaller dermastamps for 9 dollars and we recently lowered our prices for C60 because we recouped our initial investment in machines.

No, the single needle is not suitable because it is too long (1.8 mm) for the area you describe. Either use your Dermajet on the 0.2 mm length setting (please do not make a mistake and insert the 2 mm instead). Alternatively, we will soon have small dermastamps with 12 needles and they will come in all sizes. Buy a 0.5 mm one.

The Dermajet "hammers" the needles in with great force so I would stay with size 0.2 mm in that area.

Do not stamp closer to your eyes than the orbital bone, as I explained here (scroll down):


About the availability of spare parts for the DermaJet: We only have needle cartridges. (A lot). If the DermaJet breaks we'll send a new one free of charge without the need to send back the old one.

We are working on developing our own, very sophisticated dermaneedling machine.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 06:33:13 AM by SarahVaughter »