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Author Topic: Tiny white pimples after dermarolling  (Read 30115 times)


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Tiny white pimples after dermarolling
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:59:05 PM »

I am new to dermarolling. I did my first session two days ago, on my chest and stomach. Today I am noticing a lot of tiny white pimples on both areas. Is this a normal part of rolling? I was very careful to have a clean roller and work area. I applied vitamin E after my treatment, bio oil to moisturizer the following days. My skin is also very rough and tinkly feeling, which was not a problem before as I was treating light stretch marks. I used a 1.5. I am concerned I did something wrong and damaged my skin or something awful. I would truly appreciate any insight! Thank you


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Re: Tiny white pimples after dermarolling
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 04:53:27 PM »
It is not a standard reaction after mcironeedling but it is not uncommon and several customers did report getting bumps or whiteheads.  Surprisingly, the reaction usually did not happen after the first treatment but after the third or so treatment and they always disappeared.

Rough, dry, flaking and tingling skin after microneedling is completely normal and you should moisturize a lot.

You should not roll until your whiteheads are gone.