I am sorry you got this experience! "Real" (permanent) wrinkles can fortunately not form overnight. The most probable explanation is that in your case, for some reason, the vitamin C, the Infadolan, or something else dried out your skin. There recently was a customer who reported weird effects from "Infadolan" but in fact she meant Tretinoin cream - you are sure you used Infadolan, correct? A dryer skin makes the lines (that are normally almost invisible) more pronounced. This is only temporary.
We have sold many thousands of Infadolans and it was always intended for dermarolling aftercare. The only reason I later started recommending its application around the eyes was because I was getting quite a few emails stating that daily application around the eyes visibly improved the lines. The skin around the eyes has almost no oil glands and therefore tends to be dry. These people did not use vit. C prior to applying Infadolan though. Perhaps some would have worse results if they'd apply a large concentration of vit. C beforehand. How much did you dilute the vit. C, and how long did you wait before putting the Infadolan on top of it?
A few customers with acne prone skin who applied Infadolan for several days after dermarolling complained it triggered acne breakouts. I am warning about it in our dermarolling instructions.
We also got emails saying they started using Infadolan for more than just dermarolling aftercare - for example applying a little bit of Infadolan on facial skin after shaving. It is also very popular for the back of the hands.
To make a long story short, if we got any complaints at all, it was about Infadolan making the skin too oily.
However, even though your case is very rare (the only one so far reporting extra wrinkles), not everybody's skin reacts exactly the same to the same product.
It is very hard to attribute this to Infadolan when we do not know what the effect of e.g. a high % of vit. C on the eyelids is, with Infadolan applied soon afterwards for example.
If you would be allergic to vit. C or Infadolan, both eyes would have wrinkles. That would also have been the case when the ingredients would somehow be tainted I suppose.
Recently, one customer wrote us Infadolan made her skin dry; nevertheless she was using A-Ret as well, which is known for making the skin temporarily dry.
Have you been using Retinoic acid (Tretinoin, A-Ret) at all, in the preceeding days?
Exfoliation for example often makes the skin temporarily drier.
As you mentioned, some users of Retinoic acid initially experience "worsening" of their wrinkles or even "appearance" of lines (mainly around the eyes). This is a temporary effect due to dryness of the skin before the skin gets used to Retinoic acid.
Infadolan doesn't contain Retinoic acid - it contains Retinyl acetate that is slowly metabolized to Retinoic acid in the skin. It is much less potent than applying Retinoic acid directly to the skin but it is also less irritating.
Vit. C can also dry out the skin in high concentrations but since you applied it only once, I am not sure whether this is the reason.
You should stop using the products and give the skin time to go back to normal.
To sum it up: Neither vit. C nor Infadolan should cause wrinkles, but perhaps in very rare cases it could cause a temporary effect such as you describe.
It would be nice to know more detailed information about your case.