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Author Topic: What is the longest amount of time that a dermaroller can go between rolls and be effective long term?  (Read 12271 times)


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Hi Sarah,

I am finding that I prefer to go longer between rolls then 4 weeks when using a 1.5mm roller.  Instead, I am waiting 6 weeks as it just works out better for my lifestyle(i was formerly going 4 weeks and recently switched to 6).  I also like the way my skin finally looks after I hit the 4th week and enjoy  the extra two weeks not having to roll.  

What do you think can be the longest time I can go between rolls with a 1.5 and still get good long term cumulative effects?  Would I be better off using a 2.0 mm every 6-8 weeks?  I have been dermarolling about 4-5 months or so and continually using vitc, copper peptides, infa., and a-ret.  I also started dry brushing a little each day before I wash my face and apply the daily/weekly regiment to my face.

Lastly, because I am dry brushing, do I need to continue to do the .5mm 1-2x week?


Lisa Brookank


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There is absolutely no problem rolling once every six or even eight weeks with a 1.5 mm roller.

With a six or eight week interval, you should still get the benefits of dermaneedling. Too short intervals could be sub-optimal but longer intervals are definitely OK.

Dry brushing cannot replace rolling with a 0.5 mm dermaroller because the needles of this roller penetrate about 0.3 mm to the skin (they reach the top of the dermis) whereas dry brushing just exfoliates the surface of the skin.


  If you are happy with dry brushing, again there is no reason you must roll with a 0.5 mm roller if you prefer not to.


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No, I like to roll wth the 0.5mm roller each week as I have a very high quality roller I purchased from Vaughter Wellness.  I just wasn't sure if dry brushing every day and weekly rolling with the 0.5mm roller was overkilll or counterproductive. I am glad to do both.

Thank you, again!
