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Author Topic: Cheeks, arms, elbows. knees, legs  (Read 14359 times)


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Cheeks, arms, elbows. knees, legs
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:11:37 PM »
1. Sarah , I have no idea why but Im scared of single needles but not the

rollers or stamp.

The scar in between my eyebrows is 20 odd years old, was caused by a blow to

the region with scissors and sits straight in between eyebrows like a line.

(I personally think it's going to reduce excellently using collagen

induction and will keep picture history for you).


2. Directly above the left eybrow is a wrinkle (which I stupidly caused at

one point by taping my eyebrows at night to see if I could pull the muscle

back to alleviate frowning. Can you try and explain to me where in the

layers of skin did this type of 'motor ' wrinkle form and did I actually

cause something like a scar or (collagen bundle that can be dispersed with

needling? (I think so. The area is also in the same spot as the underlying

scar tissue (which can be felt as a hard mass underneath eyebrow). Once

again ,I intuitively feel it will respond well to treatment, but because of

the size of the area(about one inch wide and long ) I KEEP THINKING STAMP

might be better. ALSO I have a very old scar on the back of my leg (right in

the crase behind the knee) 33 years old 2inches long and about an inch in


Just derma stamping it would be easier surely??? (it would be hard to single

needle it in that position)



From reading I now understand what to do with strtch marks (single needle

yep , but what does that mean ? You just buy one ? What size or sizes for

all the tasks I mentioned?


4. For the body I would like to needle knees To increase collagen in area so

they dont have wrinkling at all , arms (same reason , (to firm them and get

morew product in) (elbows  and feet - add more collagen and firm ) , so

please advise on that.

5. Still not sure what size roller for face, but I want better product use,

but I also want skin lifting of jowl area, prick my cheeks for more plumping

, just under eyebrows (is that allowed ? , sure , no eye -LIDS , but I would

love to get around eyes and top of lips please, so choose the right one for



Thanx so much Sarah , Ive joined the forum so u can post this up if u want.

Please advise asap as I CANT WAIT !!!


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Cheeks, arms, elbows. knees, legs
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 05:09:26 PM »
>Just derma stamping it would be easier surely??? (it would be hard to single

  >needle it in that position)


  If you do not want to use the single needle, buy a 1.5 mm dermastamp and use it on all scars on your face and leg. All scars that you had mentioned.



  >From reading I now understand what to do with strtch marks (single needle

  >yep , but what does that mean ? You just buy one ?


  We sell a set of five needles.  How to single needle is explained in our instructions:




  >4. For the body I would like to needle knees To increase collagen in area so

  >they dont have wrinkling at all ,



  That is not realistic to achieve. Knees have wrinkles because there is extra skin so that the knee can bend (the same with the elbows).  You may be able to improve the skin texture but not completely remove the wrinkling.


  Prior to dermarolling: Buy a pumice stone. Give your knees very good scrub twice or three times a week for at least two weeks. Let it heal and keep it moisturized.


  The skin on the knees is very thick - you have to buy a 1.5 mm dermaroller. Roll the knees every three weeks. One week prior to each rolling, use the pumice stone.


  >arms ,elbows  


  Use the pumice stone + the 1.5 mm roller on your arms as well.


  >and feet - add more collagen and firm ) , so


  If you use the same roller on all the areas you described, it will blunt rapidly. Your areas are extensive, you will need more rollers. Or by just one, try it and later decide if you want another one.



  >5. Still not sure what size roller for face, but I want better product use,

  >but I also want skin lifting of jowl area,


  Dermarolling can improve mild skin laxity but if there is already lots of excessive skin, you need a facelift.


  >prick my cheeks for more plumping


  The cheeks deflate with age due to fat recession and sometimes also due to bone recession. Dermarolling cannot fix it. Dermarolling can only affect the skin and thicken the skin by about 0.5 mm. That is enough to greatly improve scars, wrinkles and skin texture but it is not enough for "plumping" the volume.



  >just under eyebrows (is that allowed ? , sure , no eye -LIDS , but I would

  >love to get around eyes


  Just under the eyebrows, yes.


  >and top of lips


  You can use your 1.5 mm dermastamp in this area.

  The area above the lip is very sensitive. I can roll anywhere on my face and body with a 1.5 mm or 2 mm dermaroller without a numbing cream with the exception of above and around the lips. I use a numbing cream there.