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Author Topic: Dermaroller starter kit  (Read 10001 times)


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Dermaroller starter kit
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:12:01 PM »

I have browsed through the forum and although there is a lot of great information here I, being completely new to dermarolling, am still somewhat unsure of what it is I actually need to get myself started with my own personal dermarolling regimen.  I realize I need more than just a roller itself but, as to what else I need exactly, that is where I find myself a little confused so I am hoping someone may be able to give me some advice.

I am a caucasian female in my mid-forties with fairly thin skin.  Although I don't have very many wrinkles I do have a couple of rather deep creases on my forehead along with some over-all facial crepiness that I would like to treat.  As for my body, I have quite a few stretch marks (on my stomach area) that are rather large, deep and silvery-white in color that I would like to treat as well.  If I wish to treat BOTH my face and my belly would I be best off purchasing a separate roller for each area or can I just use one specific roller to treat both areas?  Also, would the 1.5 mm size (192 needles) be appropriate for treating both of these areas or should I use a more narrow roller/single needle treatment for my stretch marks?  

As to what I need to use in combination with rolling is where I find myself even more so confused.  I know it is recommended to use Vitamin A and C (although C is not essential, from the sounds of it) but since there is more than one option for Vitamin A cream how does one decide which one to actually get?  I saw it said somewhere to use the 0.025% for beginners but, since the Infadolan ointment already contains Vitamin A, is getting a separate Vitamin A cream necessary or is the Infadolan ointment alone not enough?  And, last but not least, what about the disinfectant (Chloramine-T) and Copper Peptide Facial Mask; would it be best if I used these in my rolling regimen as well?

I sincerely apologize for so many questions but being so new to all of this I just want to be sure I go about it the right way.

Any advice on what combination of products would make a good starter "kit" for me would be very welcomed and much appreciated.  

Thank you.

PS:  Wow, your prices are wonderful.   :D


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Dermaroller starter kit
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 06:19:00 PM »
I would recommend you a regular 1 mm dermaroller and the single needles both for your face and your stretch marks.

(If you roll extensive areas, the roller will get blunt and you will have to replace it).

Roll the whole area (whole face and whole abdomen) with the 1 mm roller and needle the wrinkles on your forehead and needle the individual stretch marks. You do not have to do it all in one session.

For your stretch marks:


Tretinoin contains the most effective but also the most irritating form of vit. A: The acidic form. There are some studies that this form of vit. A improves stretch marks:


Do not apply Tretinoin right after dermarolling your face. This would be too irritating and stinging.


I only recommend applying Tretinoin right after needling in some special cases such as stretch marks, surgical scars etc. Massage Tretinoin into each individual stretch mark after needling.

Infadolan is a post-dermarolling protective, regenerative ointment and it contains a non-acidic, non-irritating form of vit. A. This form is slowly converted to Tretinoin in the skin but the conversion rate is not as high as if you applied Tretinoin directly. Infadolan can be applied right after dermarolling.

If you use both, apply Tretinoin and then Infadoalan. Tretinoin dries the skin. Infadolan moisturizes the skin.

You can buy a 0.1% Tretinoin cream for your stretch marks.

This percentage is too strong for the face but you can just add a little to your ordinary facial cream and thus dilute the concentration for facial use.

You do not need the copper mask.

To disinfect the roller, you can either use Chloramine T or Ethanol:

« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 06:58:56 AM by SarahVaughter »