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Author Topic: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement  (Read 168007 times)


  • Cesar
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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2012, 12:43:27 PM »
also as a tip for people with oily skin, I put Milk of Magnesia on my face occasionally to give my skin a "normal" look so cover up the oil.  It works great.


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2012, 05:26:52 PM »
Scars are usually not shiny except for some days or weeks right after the scabs fall off.

Scars need lots of effort to improve and trying various approaches is often necessary.

You can for example alternate the two methods you have suggested but only if you already have all the dermarollers. There is no need to buy a 1 mm dermaroller if you are already using a 2 mm and a 0.5 mm. It is however always useful to add a dermastamp and spot treat the scars.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 05:28:09 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2012, 12:52:30 AM »

"Thank you Sarah. I've started Rolling 4 months ago and can already see a difference. Below are 4 month progress pictures before and after"

Thanks for the inspiring pictures. You have an incredible improvement. In fact you look like a male model in the second picture. Good job!


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2012, 01:48:13 AM »
Thank you for uour compliment. I have a long way to go but its coming along well. I wish more people would post pictures though. All of my friends and family are so tieed of me talking about the Dermaroller and this site. Im like a walking infomercial


  • Cesar
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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2012, 03:41:54 PM »
Just wanted to post a 10 month update.  2.0 dermaroller and 2.0 dermastamp, Single Needling and occasionally a 15% TCA Chemical Peel to clean up.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 04:48:01 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2012, 10:35:26 PM »
Way to go cesamaddict! Great results!!! ;D


  • Cesar
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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2012, 01:38:20 AM »
THank you Mila.  I'm trying..just like everyone on here..


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2012, 06:02:22 AM »
Because it is rare for people to go public with their improvements (and even rarer to make high-quality before-and-after pictures as well) and also because this kind of feedback is so valuable to us, as a thank-you for the time and effort and an incentive to others, we are offering cesamaddict products from our store.

Please email me about that, cesamaddict.


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2012, 11:57:47 PM »
Wow!! This is so encouraging!! Your skin looks so wonderful and what a great smile to show, too.  I am so happy for you-Thank you for keeping us updated.


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2012, 09:46:57 AM »
Wow Cesamaddict! Your skin have improved immensely- thats a complete transformation!
And your pictures have encouraged me to carry on with my dermarolling/stamping sessions (although its been around 2months)!

What I wanted to know:
-Did your pores get smaller because you: single needled/dermastamped them?

-Do you still suction your scars?

-Do you suction the whole of your face, or just particular scarring?

I ask your initial picture your skin have indentations and depression marks across the side of your face...and in your current picture these have significantly smoothed out...Do you think this was due to suctioning or simply because you dermarolled/stamped for so long?


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2012, 12:25:12 PM »
Thank you for your compliments.  Regarding your questions

-Did your pores get smaller because you: single needled/dermastamped them?
Honestly I dont think my pore size has changed.  I think now since it's winter, my skin is less oily, thus temporarily decreasing the size of my pores.  However I do roll over them and stamp them thoroughly so it could be in fact that THAT's what it is.  I also think there was some pigmentation there, which cleared up with my light chemical peels.  Search the forums for information regarding peels.  I'd say that if you're interested in doing THAT, then do lots and lots of research and start off with weaker peels such as Glycolic Acid (if you have dry-normal skin) or Salycic Acid (Oily Skin like Me) and then work your way up to LOW PERCENTAGE TCA (I haven't gone above 15%)  I think this has helped a lot also and enhances the dermarolling.

-Do you still suction your scars? -Do you suction the whole of your face, or just particular scarring?
Yes I still suction my scars and I usually do everything except my forehead except a few spots as my forehead, for the most part, is indent-free.  However, I haven't been very consistent with the suctioning mostly because sometimes it leaves light bruising and I work in an office where I can't walk around like that.  However I do Roll and stamp thoroughly.  I roll my entire face and then stamp my entire face.  I think this amount of "trauma" to my face is what has helped me get to the point that I'm at now.  What I also do, which Sarah DOES NOT suggest, is put Retin-A on my face DIRECTLY after dermarolling.  Because I like the effect that chemical peels gives my skin, it's sorta like a 2 for 1.  I get to dermaroll my skin AND get a chemical peel.  I dermarolled on Tuesday and my skin is started peeling yesterday (Thursday) lightly.  I honestly think that THAT has helped tremendously, the combination of the two.  Some people on the forums report that there is too much stinging when placing Retin-A after dermarolling but it doesn't sting me AT ALL.  My skin feels however it normally feels after dermarolling.  I think it's helped the texture of my skin a lot. I'm nowhere near satisfied though.  I expect even great results in mid-late 2013.  However I think I've reached a turning point in my skin where I've noticed that more recently, my skin has really been healing well, frown lines have been "pushed out", skin tone is pretty even, etc.  I plan on doing it forever (maybe not the 2.0mm but maybe a 1.5 or 1.0 after scarring has filled in) just to maintain a wrinkle free face.  I figure I started young (I'm 28 years old) so I might as well keep it up. 

If you've only been doing it for 2 months, it'll be a while before you start seeing significant results, depending on what you are treating but don't give up


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2012, 02:11:18 PM »
On this forum, I actually do recommend Tretinoin (A-Ret) application on scars right after microneedling:
"In case of stubborn, non responsive scars, I recommend needling them and apply the A-Ret immediately after"

"I do not recommend using A-Ret right after dermarolling because it is acidic and it stings when applied to the rolled skin but in some special cases such as stubborn scars and stretch marks, I do recommend it"

In our dermarolling instructions, I mention it as well:

"If you apply A-Ret right after rolling (recommended with stubborn scars and stretch marks or wrinkles) your skin will get even more red and it will sting. It may stay red for several days."
The problem is that significantly many customers have quite some strong reactions after Tretinoin application (redness, dryness) and this reaction will be much more sever if Tretinoin is applied right after microneedling so I have to be careful, recommending it.

Your skin seems to take Tretinoin application very well, you are lucky.

One has to moisturize a lot when using Tretinoin. For example, wet a cotton pad with tap water, add some almond oil and apply it to your face to offset the dryness triggered by Tretinoin.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 05:05:34 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2012, 07:00:55 PM »
Are you having the TCA peels done by a Dr/Esthetician or are you doing them yourself?  Also are you doing the whole face or just cross sections?  I have had Glycolic peels before but feel I need something stronger-my skin does not react well with Salicylic. Thanks!


  • Cesar
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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2012, 07:08:35 PM »
I do it myself.  Do a patch test if you're interested and try a very low percentage.  It is very traumatizing so be prepared to stay indoors.  Do tons of online research before you do it.


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Re: Evenly Spread Acne Scars - enormous improvement
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2013, 12:12:06 PM »
Two years ago my skin was in really bad shape.  In this picture, I wanted to show everyone what needling can do to frown lines and such.  I had been a heavy cigarette smoker for about 8 years when the first pic was taken. I've since quit and have been needling for about a year for the after pic. I encourage others to post your progress pictures as well. I apologize for the bad quality of the before picture but nonetheless, the difference is clearly visible.