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Author Topic: Newbie with HORRIBLE SKIN DETERIORATING! Lines, dents, pricking, porous pink skin and orange peel texture.  (Read 77937 times)


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I found this site when I was googling my skin symptoms. I happened to find a thread that represented what is going on with my skin.

This is that thread and there is a picture sort of resembling my skin problems.


Just like that person wrote, my skin is also deteriorating rapidly and I don't know what to do for it anymore.

My skin is porous, has lines and dents forming on it (perhaps fissures if that makes sense), I feel pricking and slight pangs of pain at times, crawling as if something is running through hairs on my face, eyebrow hairs falling out constantly, tiny tiny bumps sometimes show up that itch (they are so tiny that barely noticeable), I have permanent pink patches of skin on my front cheek area and the sides of my face. The pinkness is not uniform and quite irregular. There used to be lots of small bumps all over my face which was not like any regular acne I've had before and the tiny bumps were only visible in good lighting and angles and more noticeable with make-up on, but now I don't have as many bumps any more or they have flattened out more. Whenever I try to use moisturizer, my skin gets worse and I see more lines and dents forming on my skin. My skin can get extremely oily and I had noticed before my skin problems began, that my skin was getting oilier. My skin appears to have an orange peel texture and the resiliency of cottage cheese in certain areas. I have noticed a slight increased hair growth on my face. I itch a lot under my chin and usually have bumps there. I am only 25 and don't understand what is going on. I have been dealing with facial problems for a full year now.

Here's my background story:

I started out with severely red patches on my skin on my front cheeks and temples. It was horrendous and bumpy inflamed texture in those areas. My forehead didn't have any problems yet but slowly eventually my forehead ended up with the strange texture as well but not the pink skin. And I had all the symptoms slowly arrive that I have described above.

The red skin all faded from dramatic red to pink to where I'm at now which is a light pink. I am not sure if anything I used faded it or it faded on it's own. I am not sure if it was from something I tried....the only thing I was trying at the time when I started seeing any improvement was ketoconazole shampoo on my face and neosorin ointment . When I look close in the mirror I see tons of tiny red dots on my skin or pink/red skin color. I don't know if it's damaged blood vessels or what. My skin has been permanently pink/red in these particular areas. It looks worse when I flush of course but then when my flushing goes down, the pink stains of skin remain. My skin also became very oily.

Dermatologist took a skin scraping because I thought I had a fungal problem but found demodex mites and said he found no evidence of fungus. He called it demodex folliculorum. I've had intense crawling sensations on my face at times and it has moved on to my scalp and body. I didn't think you could FEEL demodex.....can you??  I've had some blood tests done and I've tried to figure out what I could be allergic to and nothing makes sense.

I've moved on to feeling itchy on my legs, crawling sensations on my body, having strange red bumps sometimes show up on my body and itch and then disappear rather quickly, hive like pale bumps show up in the same spots usually on my body which also disappear quickly in untouched, and recently I have been itching on my foot and developed tiny pink patches in two spots where I scratched and some tiny bumps formed in the area. The derm said it looks like nummular eczema.

Anyway, two things seemed to help the redness on my face. Permethrin helped a little. Demodex Solutions Xin Fumangling helps a bit I think and the nightly Zhoungzhoung cream from Demodex Solutions helped with the texture of my skin but I am not sure I'm seeing any improvement with redness with this.

Things that made it worse:



And then I tried sodium sulfecetamide and sulfur 5% wash which seemed to almost immediately help my skin and remove redness. It was a little surprising. I wasn't sure if it was just me. But when I continued using it for a few days, bumps and pinkness decreased a lot. I had to stop though because it was overdrying my skin and making it immensely tight and extremely oily perhaps because I was making my skin more dry so my skin was trying to make even more oil because of it. And I was starting to developing tiny itchy bumps.

My most recent symptoms are now involving my body feeling odd as if my nerves or veins or something are giving off pricking sensations or pangs of slight pain. I have been noticing more blue veins on my legs or maybe I just never noticed them before. I had noticed in the past couple months that I had little red cherry angiomas forming on my chest and more on my arms (I have had super tiny cherry angiomas for a while. I had noticed them two or three years ago). Also, I developed keratosis pilaris 3 years ago on the back of my thighs and it has cleared up a bit since then, but I still have bumps here and there and I have recently discovered that I have keratosis pilaris on my arms. It's very slight and I am unsure if I just never noticed them before. I used Lac Hydrin lotion and Clindamycin Phosphate for my keratosis pilaris for a short while and I think that helped clear it up a bit.

Before all my facial problems started,

I had recently ended a long term relationship, had gotten sick and used a ZPack- antibiotic pills a month before facial problems began, had gone to get a spray tan three months before problems began and had spray tans before as well as went to tanning bed about 12 times within the last 3 years, used Bare Miinerals make-up for a couple months before problems began (which I noticed made my face itch and I had started noticing some bumps forming on the sides of my face when I was using it during the winter months along with dry skin), had not moisturized my face much in a year, had used steroid ointment on face a year before for abrasions, had used steroid ointment when i already started having pink/red skin forming on my face in the patches I have now and then stopped because it made my redness worse and irritated my skin, had acid reflux problems on and off the past 4 years, 5 years ago I started an all carb eating habit (mainly pasta) and no meat whatsoever and still do not eat meat but try to cut down on carbs now, and before my pink skin patches turned into a red havoc on my face, I tried sun tanning to get rid of it which didn't really help and also went and had my first and only facial with a glycolic acid component to it I'm not sure if it was a peel or what), and lastly, I had tried DUAC acne gel on my face in a few various spots and an hour after application, my skin was lighter in the areas I had applied the duac and it sort of spanned out a littler further than where I was the strangest thing and I thought it would go away but it never did and in fact a lightened area on the side of my face still is there between the pink on my cheeks and the pink on my temples....after that, I started noticing gradually that my skin seemed pinker around these lightened areas and then eventually my skin became full blown red and much worse.

I'd like to add that I have been on doxyciline antibiotic for two weeks but had to stop because it was giving me anxiety attacks. I think the bumps on my face went down from it's use. I am unsure if the dents and lines and porous skin began after this antibiotic or not....I do not remember. I noted that tea tree oil helped a lot with the bumps I had. Metrogel made me pinker. Finacea irritated my skin and made it pinker.

Here are photos of my skin when it was somewhat at its worst but starting to die down.




And here is what my skin looks like with make-up and you can see the strange texture and lines and fissures of my skin.







And here is my skin now, without make-up on:









Please any thoughts, opinions would be greatly appreciated. I have been to many dermatologists and to the doctor and just don't know where to turn anymore. My skin bothers me and hurts more when I wear make-up but I have to or I would frighten people. I am nervous this strange texture is spreading on my face and forehead and soon I will have more strange lines, fissures, and indents everywhere. Please help!


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Hi there,

The only thing that comes to mind, is your hormones. Especially when you mentioned the increase in facial hair, and the increase in oil production

Another thing. Have you been checked for a yeast problem??? You said about going onto a mainly carb diet, that would definitely feed yeast in your system

And also because that Kectonazole (sp?) helped, that is normally for fungal conditions

Just a few things that came to mind.

Have you tried also Essential Fatty acids. They can often help with skin texture, and eczema like conditions.

P.S. Have you ever Been on Accutane, sometimes it can result in strange skin texture from that drug???


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Swan;3605 wrote: Hi there,

The only thing that comes to mind, is your hormones. Especially when you mentioned the increase in facial hair, and the increase in oil production

Another thing. Have you been checked for a yeast problem??? You said about going onto a mainly carb diet, that would definitely feed yeast in your system

And also because that Kectonazole (sp?) helped, that is normally for fungal conditions

Just a few things that came to mind.

Have you tried also Essential Fatty acids. They can often help with skin texture, and eczema like conditions.

P.S. Have you ever Been on Accutane, sometimes it can result in strange skin texture from that drug???


Hi Swan! Thank you so much for your reply. I have never been on Accutane. Prior to my skin problem I wasn't on anything of the sort. Only antibiotics a few times for being sick and two months prior I tried the Zpack instead of regular amoxycillin antibiotic. The thought has crossed my mind that the antibiotic screwed up my system...but also I still find it very odd what happened to my skin's color after trying the DUAC as I mentioned in my post above. I wonder if the DUAC could have caused problems but I don't know how and after only one use to get such odd results still mystifies me.

I have been checked by a GYNO through a yeast culture and it came back negative. Although, I had a problem arise twice or three times within the last 4 months where I had this ball form on my vaginal vulva areas. The gyno said it was nothing to worry about and each ball did go away each time on its own....the balls arose in different areas on my vulva each time and different sizes. It was like a hard ball that i could feel inside my vulva when pressing on the skin. She said it was most likely a sac of fluid that had gathered somehow from the uterus or it was a small cyst that was nothing to worry about.

I have thought that it was fungal also, especially since isn't it hard to moisturize fungal infections? Don't fungal infections usually love moisture? I find it odd that when I try to use moisturizers of any sort, my skin starts to look worse and then feel worse too. The only thing is that the dermatologist took a skin scraping and did not find fungal evidence. Only the demodex mites.

I have not been checked for fungal or yeast problems inside my body though. Is vaginal yeast different from yeast inside the body?

I have not tried Essential Fatty Acids. What is that? Can you give me some advice on that and what I should try??

I've been thinking a hormone problem too especially since that link to that thread I found on here with that woman who had the same problems going on with her skin minus the pink/red skin....and she said she noticed her facial hair had grown a bit more before problems began.

So, if it may be a hormone problem, where do I go? An endocrinologist or OBGYN? Do you know what kind of tests I should demand to find out what's wrong with my hormones?


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EFA's are oils that u take orally such as fish oil, borage oil, or evening primrose oil. I prefer evening primrose oil, cos that has a good impact on women's hormones, plus with the added

benefit of the skin effect

It definitely sounds fungal/yeast issue

Have you considered visiting a naturopath??? That may be a good choice for you

Pls keep us updated, and any more questions I will try to help you okay :)

also, if u r going to try a new product on your skin. test patch it first to see for reaction

i was going to mention trying pure aloe vera on your skin, that is good for bacteria, and doesnt add

oil or moisture to the skin. try a small test patch first.


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There is a great Anti Candida diet, that you could also try if u also suspect yeast issue problem.


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I'm not a nutritionist or doctor but it sounds to me like you have a severe protein deficiency. If all you eat are carbs and you have cut out meat then were are you getting your protein from? Every cell in the body needs plenty of protein to function properly. Without enough protein your body cells can't grow properly. A multivitamin/mineral supplement might also be beneficial. And definitely take an Omega 3 supplement. It keeps the skin cells moist and healthy. Olive oil is good for this too.

I'm vegetarian and make sure I get enough protein by eating lots of beans and taking whey protein powder every day.

Here's a list of some of the symptoms of protein deficiency:

    * Edema (swelling)

    * Thinning brittle hair and/or hair loss

    * Ridges in finger and toe nails

    * Skin rashes; dry skin

    * Weak and tired

    * Muscle soreness and cramps

    * Slow healing

    * Skin ulcers

    * Sleep issues

    * Headache

    * Nausea

    * Fainting

    * Depression/anxiety


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Hi Birdsing, I will answer you but your case is very complex and I need more time to think about it. I have looked at your photos and in many of them it looks like you have actually nice skin and the only problem is the redness, brown spots/dots and the bumps. Your pores do not seem to be enlarged. In some of the photos, there are some strange indentations (not in the pores) - these photos are quite enlarged so I am not sure how visible the indentations really are.


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SarahVaughter;3631 wrote: Hi Birdsing, I will answer you but your case is very complex and I need more time to think about it. I have looked at your photos and in many of them it looks like you have actually nice skin and the only problem is the redness, brown spots/dots and the bumps. Your pores do not seem to be enlarged. In some of the photos, there are some strange indentations (not in the pores) - these photos are quite enlarged so I am not sure how visible the indentations really are.


Thank you Sarah I would really appreciate hearing what you think are some possibilities for what's going on.

Well, in person, it is visible that my pores are large and there is often blackheads on my front cheeks and foreheard...lots of them.  The indentations you see don't seem to be in the pores? Do they look like rolling scars? The indentations aren't too visible, but are there are many of them. Please let me know what you think. Could this me demodicosis?


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cj123;3625 wrote: I'm not a nutritionist or doctor but it sounds to me like you have a severe protein deficiency. If all you eat are carbs and you have cut out meat then were are you getting your protein from? Every cell in the body needs plenty of protein to function properly. Without enough protein your body cells can't grow properly. A multivitamin/mineral supplement might also be beneficial. And definitely take an Omega 3 supplement. It keeps the skin cells moist and healthy. Olive oil is good for this too.

I'm vegetarian and make sure I get enough protein by eating lots of beans and taking whey protein powder every day.

Here's a list of some of the symptoms of protein deficiency:

    * Edema (swelling)

    * Thinning brittle hair and/or hair loss

    * Ridges in finger and toe nails

    * Skin rashes; dry skin

    * Weak and tired

    * Muscle soreness and cramps

    * Slow healing

    * Skin ulcers

    * Sleep issues

    * Headache

    * Nausea

    * Fainting

    * Depression/anxiety


Hi! Well, I eat beans and cheese for protein. I had protein tested in my body and it was normal. I tried fish oil and supplements and didn't see improvement. :(


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Swan;3621 wrote: EFA's are oils that u take orally such as fish oil, borage oil, or evening primrose oil. I prefer evening primrose oil, cos that has a good impact on women's hormones, plus with the added

benefit of the skin effect

It definitely sounds fungal/yeast issue

Have you considered visiting a naturopath??? That may be a good choice for you

Pls keep us updated, and any more questions I will try to help you okay :)

also, if u r going to try a new product on your skin. test patch it first to see for reaction

i was going to mention trying pure aloe vera on your skin, that is good for bacteria, and doesnt add

oil or moisture to the skin. try a small test patch first.


I haven't tried a naturopath yet. I will look into that. I will keep you updated! I've tried aloe vera also. It didn't help and actually is was making hair grow on my face!

Could it really be fungal yeast issue if the dermatologist took a skin scraping and found no fungal spores?


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I too am not a medical doctor, so pls do research on anything I recommend to you

but to me, beans and cheese is not enough protein for your body.

Try and get a recommendation to a GOOD naturopath. Ask around call health food shops and get a good recommendation, or better yet, from a friend or fam member

Eat as healthy as you can, eat enough meat for protein, vegies and fruit etc

i went to see a naturopath a while ago, and did my skin a world of good. I had cystic acne, and still occasionally breakout, but rarely

she had me on supplements to help my bowel and lymph system, and i was eating protein (some form of meat 2 -3 times a day. Did me a world of good

and take this from person who was vegetarian and then went vegan for 12 years, and it wore my health down being so extreme


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Is it possible this skin texture strangeness and the lines and dents are rhinophyma?? Does it look like it? I seem to have the strange skin adn dents/ lines forming in the same regions as this man on the front cheeks and chin. But I also am having strange skin texture on forehead.


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Sarah, I also wanted to add what you think if this could be some sort of chronic heat rash or prickly heat rash?

When I went to my regular doctor and asked what he thought, he said it looked like prickly heat rash to him. But no dermatologist said that.


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What did the dermatologists say?


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SarahVaughter;3662 wrote: What did the dermatologists say?


First dermatologist said light rosacea with keratosis pilaris, next two said acne rosacea but didn't inspect my face and gave me diagnosis in two seconds, next one said he wasn't sure it looked like some kind of rash but maybe it could be rosacea. He was the one who took a skin scraping and found demodex mites and that's when I was said to have demodex folliculorum. That's where I'm at.