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Author Topic: Great improvement after dermarolling  (Read 49753 times)


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Great improvement after dermarolling
« on: September 21, 2012, 02:10:04 PM »
I have had great luck using only the 1.0 roller.  I have done 3, body wide rolls, 5 weeks apart.   I have used only the .5 for my breasts and my eyelids (3 times as well, 5 weeks apart). Everywhere else on my body I have used the 1.0.

I am now 11 weeks out, and although i was preparing to see no improvement for at least 3-4 months, I am already seeing quite a difference in my sun spots on my forearms, thighs and hands.  I have also had enough thickening/tightening of my forehead that I have not had need to rush in for my botox appt which was due this month.  I am hoping that I won't need to go back.  When I scrunch up my forehead, my "ll" lines do not scrunch up as they used to.  The skin bounces back quite a bit better actually, and not leaving marks.  We'll see as time goes on.

The biggest improvement and the one I am most excited about is the upper inside of my arms. I am very fair, thin skinned.  I could pull that skin out with my fingers and it was darn near translucent!  The improvement already, after 11 weeks, is amazing.  This alone is what convinced my husband that the roller is really working.

Since I do my entire body I have been buying a new roller each time I do the body. First roller a cheap one, and then after reading here I ordered one of Sarah's 1.0 (as well as other items).  Just did my third roll so I have now ordered another 1.0, and also a .5  with 3 lines for parts of my eyelid and below I could not reach with the larger .5. I also ordered a 3 line 1.5 for a surgical scar I would like to work on.  I am anxiously awaiting some single needles once those come back into stock.

Thrilled to have this site and this forum, as it has been very helpful to me so far!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 05:31:04 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Improvement after dermarolling
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 03:46:18 AM »
Thank you very much, Peggotty, for your feedback. Dermarolling works, but just like with any other method, in some individuals it doesn't achieve (major) results.
I appreciate that you took the time to tell us about your success!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 03:49:45 AM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Great improvement after dermarolling
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 03:01:24 AM »
Warning - long post  :)

I too have had great improvement with dermarolling and I am so pleased.   :) Most significant and important to me is improvement of vertical lip lines.  I wish I could have taken good pictures but it is hard to see the detail - but I know the wrinkles are becoming shallower.  I used the 1.5 mm roller first in April, then decided to use the single needle to the vertical lines themselves, along with 1.5 mm dermastamp to the entire surrounding areas, repeating at 6 week intervals, for a total of 3 treatments to date.  My lines are quite deep at the lip border, then gradually become less deep as they go up toward the nose.  The shallower upward extending lines are improving the most.  The deeper lines are not as deep as they were, and don't appear to extend as far vertically, so they seem shorter now. 

I have never smoked, these wrinkles are hereditary, my grandmother had them and my mother has them and they never smoked either. 

I pricked the lines first going straight in with the needle, then repeated from an angle from each side.  I tried to prick in one continuous line. It was tolerable after using Dr. Numb cream.

I single needled, rolled, and stamped the other wrinkles that I have, slight marionette lines and crows feet.  They look a bit shallower and the skin looks plumper.  I have also been using the dermastamp under my eyebrows as the skin is rather saggy there, and it seems a little better.  I do avoid the periorbital area.

For good measure I roll my entire face with the 1.5 mm roller every 6 weeks along with the single needling and stamping as above.  I watched Heather's video on youtube and follow her technique.

I have also been using the 1.5 mm roller on my arms, lower thighs, and inner calf areas, with great results!  It helps that there is some subcutaneous fat in these areas.  The crepey appearance is diminishing.

I am following the daily skin care routine as per Sarah's instructions, and I'm finding my skin tolerates the tretinoin 0.05% cream very well.  I can use it a couple days in a row, using the homemade Vitamin C serum in between.  I found also that my skin looks better if I use a .25 mm roller during the week instead of a .5 mm roller, not sure why.  The .25 mm roller makes my skin look plumper, whereas the .5 mm roller makes my skin look "tired", if that makes sense.

Also, this past time I needled/stamped/rolled, my skin had no bruising or discoloration the next day, even though there was plenty of bleeding after needling.  I even used tretinoin right after needling/rolling, as I had put a 2.5% Vitamin C serum on afterward and it didn't sting, so I figured why not try the tretinoin.  I'm wondering if my skin is getting more healthy following Sarah's skin care routine.  I was also careful to avoid taking my daily fish oil for 4-5 days prior to needling, which I had not done with the first 2 sessions, where I did have some bruising.  Anyway, I'm pleased that my skin seems to be tolerating all treatment very well.  Which surprises me a little, I am 53 years old and didn't expect to bounce back so quickly.

Thank you Sarah for your products and your guidance and expertise, you have really helped me.  I'm so glad I found your site.  I was getting really depressed about my lip lines and have been considering the laser resurfacing treatment but it is so expensive.  I still may get some filler to the lips and/or above the lips to help with the fat/volume loss, but that is expensive too.  I feel like I am making such good progress and plan to repeat my treatments every 6 weeks.  Will continue needling/stamping/rolling while saving up for the other treatments. 


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Re: Great improvement after dermarolling
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2013, 05:59:24 AM »
Thank you so much for your forum posting about your experience! I have emailed you.


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Re: Great improvement after dermarolling
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 09:26:38 PM »
Peggotty and jnl11, what have you used right after a 1/1.5 mm roll? Thanks.


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Re: Great improvement after dermarolling
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2013, 11:01:54 AM »
Hello RussianSunshine,

I use a 2.5% Vitamin C solution after 1.5mm rolls/needling.  I mix 1/4 flat teaspoon Vitamin C powder with 10 flat teaspoons of distilled water.  I use a numbing cream on my face and neck before rolling, and the weaker solution is fine after rolling.  I do not use numbing cream for rolling the crepey skin on my arms and legs, and the 2.5% Vitamin C solution is tolerable.  It stings/itches a little.  I wait 30 minutes then apply Infadolan, which takes away any stinging/itching.

The next day I can return to using a 5% Vitamin C solution and tretinoin as per Sarah's guidelines.
Peggotty and jnl11, what have you used right after a 1/1.5 mm roll? Thanks.