Hi everyone and Sarah,
I have been using vaughter wellness products for a year now and I wanted to give you an update on my results. I am sorry Sarah, but at this point I have not pictures to post

I do however have results

I started out using the 1.5 on my face for fine lines, crepeyness, and scarring from a round of accutane tx about 20 years ago. Then about 6 months ago I started using 0.5-1.0 on the back of my hands, and only recently started to us a 1.5 on my chest and arms. I also later added tape suction to my forehead, 11s, crows feet, and acne scars on my cheeks every night(scotch tape).
The majortiy of sun damage that was on the back of my hands is gone. It's funny because the back of my hand no longer has sun damage, but my arms and chest do which looks backwords because my hands spend he most time in the sun. These results have inspired me to roll my chest and arms.
The scars on my face are what is most improved on my face. Probably by 50 or 60%. Sun damage has decresed by about 70% dark spots almost gone. fine lines have decrease alot along with forehead lines and 11s and alot of skin tightening. I am hoping to see a little more tightening to see the NLF decrease a little more, as I have see a little improvment in the last few months. I would like to touch up that area with a little filler in the summer. Crepeyness(sp?) aroung the eyes has decreased alot largley due to Ifadolan and I use a .5 as close as I can around my eyes, but within safe range of my eyelids.
Crows feet are softeded quite a bit especially when my face is at rest, but they still continue to show when I smile. I tried botox in that area to compliment the rolling and it left bags under my eyes so its all about rolling for that area too. Crows feed are def improved by about 50 %. Again, I will continue for the next 6 mos to roll(and for the rest of my life

and then maybe try a little filler in the crows feet area. We'll see.
I am very happy with the continued improvement of my skin as it is becoming thicker and has more elastisity.
At the 6 month mark I always used retin 0.1% imediately after I rolled. I understand this stings for some people, but it hasn't been an issue for me. I think this had been especially helpful with decreasing my forhead lines and 11s along with the tape at night.
I have used:
single needle
vit c
a-ret (all three)
several sizes of dermarollers from vaughter wellness
sun screan 30-50 on face and hands.
I am sure I am forgetting something. I will try to find a good before picture if possible.
My mother-in-law was so impressed with the results on my hands that she purchased two rollers and all the dermarolling things that you need from Vaughter. I had to replenish a few things from Vaughter wellness and we ordered everthing together and split the shipping.
That is it for now

It's good news